Tag Archive for: Great Lake

Tonle Sap Lake

Guide to Tonle Sap Lake and Floating Villages

When is the best time to see Tonle Sap Lake? Tonle Sap or “The Great Lake” is the most important lake in Cambodia as well as the most extensive freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, supplies fishes to half of the country’s population. Officially listed in 1997 as World UNESCO biosphere reserve, this ecological site is the significant home for many species including rare endangered water-birds and its inhabitants…

Angkor Wat Temple

Siem Reap Province of Cambodia

Siem Reap is the significant tourist destination in Cambodia, 320km from Phnom Penh Capital with short flight 45 minutes, 6-7 hours by speed boat in high-water season (mid of September to December) and 6 hours by overland, it’s where hundreds of impressive ancient Angkor temples were constructed by Khmer Empire, especial the renowned Angkor Wat temple was built in 12th century…